Sunday, January 28, 2007

"They thought they were going to get the easy A from old RoboCop"

Sick of being offered total bullshit like "Screamers," Peter Weller decided to upgrade his skills. So he went back to school to study art history and now he teaches at UCLA. I swear I'm not making this up.

Incidentally, "Screamers" was a little bit of low-budget Cancon, often available for your viewing pleasure late at night or on boring Sunday afternoons. It was filmed in Montréal, which in the mid-90s was a pretty good stand-in for a deserted, fly-blown nuclear wasteland, at least in parts of the downtown. Now, not so much. The most memorable part of the film for me was how the screenwriters managed to have their main characters smoke in the movie. They dyed the cigarettes red and claimed they were necessary to prevent radiation poisoning. This was patiently explained in a totally superflorous conversation between Weller and his co-star, whoever that was.

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